Sunday, August 28, 2016

15. Amniotic Egg

This is a picture of turtles. A turtle is capable of laying amniotic eggs. An amniotic egg is an egg that is produced by reptiles, birds, and some mammals. The egg is protected by a strong, yet porous shell (so the embryo does not suffocate). The amniotic egg contains four sacs (chorion, amnion, allantois, and the yolk sac) which protects the embryo and helps the embryo to develop. The chorion is responsible for carrying oxygen to the embryo and releasing the waste carbon dioxide. Within the chorion is the amnion. The amnion contains the amniotic fluid which keeps the embryo from drying out, while helping the embryo to practice breathing. The allantois stores the waste and filters oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out the embryo. The yolk sac provides the necessary nutrition that the embryo needs.

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