Saturday, September 3, 2016

25. Seed Dispersal

This is a picture of a pine cone in water. This picture demonstrates seed dispersal. Seed dispersal is the movement of seeds from the parent plant. Because plants have a limited ability to move, they rely on abiotic (non-living) and biotic vectors. These vectors (carriers) are, but are not limited to, water, wind, animals (bees, butterflies, the feces in larger animals), and fungi. In the picture, the pinecone fell from a tree (I am standing underneath it) and the pinecone landed in the water, where the seeds can become dispersed through the movement of water to limit competition from other pinecones.

24. Predation

This is a picture of my dog and my cat. My dog and my cat is an example of predation. Predation is a biological interaction where an organism (that hunts) feeds on its prey (what is being hunted). Though this example is an exaggeration, my dog constantly attacks my cat. Their relationship is based off of a predator and prey relationship, where they each use their unique characteristics (my dog's strength and my cat's ability to jump) in order to help them get what they want (my dog wants to play with the cat and my cat wants to stay away from my dog). In the wild, organisms use their own unique characteristics to either help them feed, or survive.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

23. Long-day Plant

This is a picture of spinach leaves. The spinach leaves represents a long-day plant. A long-day plant is one that requires a minimum amount of hours of sunlight to grow. These plants tend to grow in the spring and sometimes late summer where there is more daylight. Lettuce and some types of wheat are also long-day plants.

22. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

This is a picture of plants. This picture represents ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). Plants produce ATP through cellular respiration (in the mitochondria) and photosynthesis (in chloroplasts). ATP is a nucleotide that contains a large amount of energy (in the phosphate bonds). This energy is released when the molecule breaks down, and is used for metabolic processes that occurs within cells (chemical reactions, motility, and cell division). ATP serves many more purposes and is found in every living organism.